More often than not, we are becoming quite aware of our expanding waistlines. No matter how hard we workout, it seems that the layers of fat that have accumulated around our abdomen simply refuse to budge. But there are many easy ab exercises that can help you get rid of that stubborn belly fat. With the correct application of these simple routines, you can be on your way to winning your own battle with the bulge.
There are many ab workouts out there of varying levels of difficulty. Depending on your level of fitness, what one considers 'easy' can be 'hard' to someone else. To help you find the right ab routines for you, below is a list of easy ab exercises to choose from. Try them out and determine which suits your fitness level.
The Tummy Isometric Crunch:
Stand erect as you inhale deeply and exhale focusing on your chest and not your stomach. When exhaling, pull in the stomach as deeply in as you can, imagining that you are pushing the belly button to your spine. Hold the position for about fifteen seconds. Relax and breathe. Repeat 10-25 times. This exercise causes you to hold back the muscles of the abdomen, which assists to tone and strengthen the area. As you can see, this exercise is easy to learn and can be done anywhere.
The Ab Bicycle Stomach Exercise:
Lie on the floor with your hands behind the head. Raise your feet a little in such a way that your knees are off the floor. Now lift your head bringing your left elbow and right knee together. Get back to the starting position. Repeat with the right elbow and left knee. Repeat a couple of times as you become familiar with the alternating movements.
The Knees to Chest Crunch:
This is especially beneficial for the muscles of the lower abdomen. Sit down with your hands on either side of the body. Raise your legs and curl your knees as closely as you possibly can towards your chest. You will feel the ab muscles straining. Get back to original pose and repeat the movement.
Hula Hooping:
That's right, the hula hoop is an excellent way to have fun and work those abs. Purchase a hula hoop preferably one that that is weighted and use it for at least 15 to 20 seconds at a time totaling to 10 minutes every day. It can be done while watching the television, so that you do not miss out on favorite shows and get to toning your abs at the same time.
Torso twists:
The torso twists help to tighten the abs while the body is moved from side to side. Stand with knees bent and arms spread out on both sides. Now do a sweeping motion to one side and then to the other. To ensure that the muscles of the abdomen are really being utilized, the hips must be kept steady without movement as the twist is being performed.
One point to remember when doing any of these easy ab exercises is to keep breathing. The tendency to hold your breath is difficult to resist when doing the workouts, but breathing while performing exercises is an essential for them to be effective. Inhale when the muscles are relaxed and exhale when they are taut.
In addition there is another important factor to remember when attempting to reduce your abdominal fat. The exercise must go hand in hand with a healthy and balanced diet. Without this balance, all of your efforts will become an uphill battle. Keep a record of your progress and your dietary habits, so that you will know what routines suit you most. Remember that no two people have the same metabolism and each person responds differently to different exercises.
To encourage you keep with your new fitness routine, it can be helpful to set small goals that mark your progress. For instance, you can set a goal to complete your new routine 3 times a week. This may not seem like a lot at first. Like any new behavior, it needs to be incorporated into your life on a regular basis. If you find that this set of easy ab exercises do not suit you, keep looking as there are many options that are quite good and are worth trying.